Thursday, December 20, 2007

Welcome To The First Day

What a cool get to post your thoughts so everyone else can read them. I think I'll call it that doesn't have a ring, I'll keep thinking about it, get back to me later.

Today "the set" takes us on location to Newport Beach, California. Even editors have to take a vacation, but not really. I have a small editing room, set up in the living room, with a BOXX laptop, external hard drive, HP DVD burner and minicam I am using as a deck to capture video.

My brides (I like to think of them all as mine) have been so patient with all the delays in getting out these weddings. Between a virus, that I have no clue where it came from (on the computer that is...after all my wife does read this), a defective hard drive, and other delays, I am pushed behind schedule further than I have ever been, in almost 10 years of weddings. But as the family shops at Fashion Island, I edit and edit.

When I return, we start our set up for the live internet weddings so many people have asked about. We tried our first one a few months ago at The Almond Pavilion in Oakdale. All I can say it that it was so-so. The problem was using wireless internet. Bad signal strength and bad stream. We have since fixed that issue and have acquired some new equipment that will let us keep up with the big boys. It was almost like we were driving a Volkswagen on a Highway with Mercedes and trying to keep up. Well watch out cuz we just got the keys to our 550SL (so to speak).

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